Back on the bike today after yesterday's recovery day. Heavy rain last night so plenty of puddles and a flood to contend with. The rain stayed away, just, and the temperature crept into double figures, not bad for February in the UK.
The winter bike had a good clean yesterday and the chain runs quiet and smooth again. The squeak from the rear jockey wheel on Saturday got so annoying.
Today was a three hour endurance ride at a steady pace gradually building up fitness again after a month in Australia and a knee injury from December. It's been a frustrating couple of months watching my fitness disappear, but you can't rush recovery (which taken longer the older you get) and I know my fitness will return. Patience. No point trying to make up for lost time and risk another injury from over training. The bike and swim seem ok, but the knee is still sore when running, it's getting there though. Time to eat. #16weeks #EuroChamps #AGTeamGB